Car hire website testing
From location and vehicle selection, rate calculations and promotions, to age restrictions, ancillaries and more...
Car Hire Booking Platforms
From location and vehicle selection, pricing transparency, rate calculations, age restrictions, ancillaries, promotions, loyalty schemes, etc...
For more information about testing car hire booking platforms, visit our dedicated website at:
Need help with your car hire website testing?
If a bug makes it to the customer, it's either because the quality team missed it, or you didn't have anyone test it. So whether you have a one off need for testing, or the need for ongoing testing and collaboration for new sections or features being added to your website, get in touch.
Depending on your preferences and requirements, feedback of issues found can be compiled into a single email, Word.doc, PDF or PowerPoint, or you might use systems such as Jira, Confluence, Slack or Trello for capturing, tracking, fixing and retesting bugs.
Car Rental Testing Experience
With more than 20 years developing, managing and testing global car hire websites for Hertz International, Targa's founder is highly experienced in testing every aspect of car hire websites and can help ensure that your errors get found before your customers find them!