Targa Web Design

Make your online presence count with a distinctive website which truly reflects your brand, gains trust and engages with your customers...

Make your business stand out with a website which truly reflects your brand, gains trust and engages with your customers...

All journeys start with the first step... but then what?

There could be any number of reasons you might want a new website. But whatever those reasons are, you need to be crystal clear on what you want it to achieve, and who your target audience is.

And after your new site has taken its first breath and seen the light of day for the first time, it will need some TLC, guidance, monitoring and nurturing.

After all... it has an important job to do, right?

Distinctive websites to help you stand out

Make your online presence count...

A professionally designed website can showcase your business and generate leads and sales.

* Please note that we only have 1 web design slot left in July and 2 slots left in August!

Check Availability

Responsive Website Design

Customer focused web design

When we're asked to design a website, our main objective should be focused on our client's customers, because they're the ones who will make a decision on your website to buy, call or leave.

So when building websites, to get the best out of your new website we need to get know you and your business objectives, and we also need to understand:

  • who your target customers are.
  • what your customers need.
  • what your customers want.
  • what they expect when they reach your website.

Establishing these points could be crucial in helping your website turn visitors into customers.

This can get personal!

Targa takes a very professional, personal and supportive approach to website production and management. We work with you in a partnership to build and deliver something which is integral to your business, hence the attention to detail, additional work, effort and passion which goes into every single website.

Affordable Websites for Small Businesses

If you have a small business and need a stylish professionally built website for your business, Targa has a number of website design packages to suit all budgets.

Whilst we can build you a completely bespoke website, many small business are drawn to our fixed price website packages which go way beyond just the website.

Take a look at what each of the 3 tiered fixed price packages contains, and if you're looking for something larger or more bespoke with specific functionality, try our online web design cost calculator instead. It explains many often overlooked aspects of a website which can be crucial to it's success, and you can add, remove and explore to see how they affect the cost.

Fixed Price Websites Website Cost Calculator

Responsive web design showing screen size variations Responsive web design showing screen size variations Website designed for Paul's Carpets Website designed for Motorsports Website designed for DH Bathrooms Car Rental eCommerce responsive website Website designed for The SMART Squad Website designed for PurerClean Single page website design Websites designed for the trades

Limited availability

Please note that based on the average time it takes to complete a web design project and provide the necessary ongoing support, Targa has to limit the number of projects we take on each month to avoid compromising on the quality of service we provide.

Our current availability for July, August and September is as follows:

  • Number of available slots left in July = 1*
  • Number of available slots left in August = 2*
  • Number of available slots left in September = 3*

*These quantities are updated frequently, and can also be impacted by larger bespoke projects which will reduce the number of slots available for fixed price packages. Please call or email to discuss your needs and secure a slot with us for your project.

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Your web design questions answered

What is a responsive website? Are all websites responsive? ▶

A responsive website is a website which has been designed to display and function correctly on a range of screen sizes and devices.

Whilst it may be possible for a desktop monitor and laptop to display the same layout of a web page, a smartphone is usually viewed in a vertical (or portrait orientation), and therefore typically requires a different layout of each web page.

Likewise, a tablet such as an iPad is likely to need a slightly different page layout when in portrait orientation compared to when viewed in a landscape orientation.

Besides different layouts for smartphones, a well designed responsive website is also likely to use smaller versions of images on mobile phones, to make web pages load more quickly by not having to download larger quantities of data over a mobile phone network.

Will my website work properly on a mobile phone? ▶

Yes, provided that it has been designed correctly.

The term Responsive Website is often used, and this refers to websites which are designed to work on all screen sizes and devices, including mobile phones.

More information can be found in this article about mobile friendly websites.

How long does it take to build a website? ▶

There are many factors that it is almost impossible to say how long a website should take to build. For example:

Size, purpose and features:
How many pages will the website contain? Will it be used to promote your services or to sell products and handle secure online payments?

Will it require a CMS (content management system), or a searchable database of content. You might require a list of subscribers to be generated which will grow as more people fill out their details on your website?

Will you be providing your own website content and images, or will you be relying on the web designer to do source suitable images on your behalf?

Will you require your website to tap into your social media feeds such as Twitter, so it displays your latest or selected Tweets?

Average time period:
There are many other variables too, but websites for the average small to medium size business can typically take between 1 and 8 weeks to produce.

You can certainly find some web designers who will produce websites quickly and cheaply, but that's another story! Cheap websites often have many corners cut in order to speed up the process and keep costs down, but the results, performance and reliability can be poor, and many such website owners end up having their websites rebuilt. In the mean time it could be costing them money in lost businesses and brand reputation.

What about AI?:
You might have heard that websites can now be built using AI. That's true, but you need to anticipate the lack of control, styling, editorial input, the ability to update content, add or change images, and make it mobile friendly.

What if it goes wrong? Can it be fixed? Who will fix it? How much will that cost?

So bearing those points in mind, just be careful and do some research before diving in!

What is the process when having a website built? ▶

1: Introductory call:

  • We can arrange a short phone or Zoom call to enable us to learn about you and your business, and what objectives you have for your new website.
  • Phone and Zoom calls can be very effective, but there may be good reason to meet face to face.

2: Down to detail:

  • We can discuss the details of what each page of your website needs to contain, as well as styling, colours, and other visual aspects of your website.
  • If you have any content for your website, whether it be paragraphs of text describing your business and services, photos, logos, etc., you can send them over by email or via DropBox.

3: Content for your website:

  • Your website needs to have relevant quality content for the benefit of your customers and also for success with the search engines.
  • It is advisable to give serious thought to your website content, but we understand that not everyone has the time or feels comfortable producing website content.

4: The design stage:

  • If you already have some ideas or can suggest some existing websites that you like the look of, that would be great.
  • Maybe you would like us to put forward some suggestions. That's fine too.
  • So before coding starts, we'll discuss some visual ideas with you, get your feedback, and then we can begin developing your new website.

5: Keeping an eye on things:

  • You will be able to check in with us to see how your website is shaping up, and you will be given access to each page for your feedback and approval.
  • Your new website will only go live when you give us the approval to do so, and we will work with you until you're happy with it.
  • Of course there may be the need for us to meet a specific deadline that you have, and so we will work to a project plan to meet that deadline.

How much content do I need to create for my website? ▶

A tricky one to answer in general terms, but think of things from a customer's perspective...

What would a customer want or expect when they arrive on your website? Do they want to buy a product, find a service, research a subject, make comparisons, be educated or entertained?

Once you have a clear idea of why people would come to your website, then ask how easy it is for them to find what they're looking for. In fact do you actually have what they're looking for on your website?

What you want to avoid is making people leave your website due to a lack of quality content. The general feeling is that if a potential customer wants to find specific information, they'll find it. If they can't find it on your website, they'll go elsewhere to find it.

This article on creating content that your customers want could provide you with some useful ideas.

Does my website need a Privacy Policy page? ▶

It is a legal requirement that any business which processes personal data must have a privacy policy.

If you are a website owner you will need to provide access to a copy of your privacy policy at the time you collect people's personal information.

If your website does not have a privacy policy page, speak with your web designer.

Even if your web designer insists that you do not need one, if you capture and process personal data it will be your responsibility to provide a privacy policy.

What does SSL mean? ▶

SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer

Having a valid SSL Certificate for your website will provide that level of security you need, and will allow your web address to use https instead of http

What is Cross Site Scripting (XSS)? ▶

Cross site scripting, also known as XSS, refers to malicious activity carried out by unscrupulous visitors to a website adding JavaScript to form fields or search boxes.

This JavaScript can subsequently cause things to happen, usually with harmful intent.

Passwords and personal data can be stolen, computers can be hijacked, analytics may be gathered, and many other malicious actions could be carried out.

Get in touch...

Either use the form on the right, or you can email, phone or book a 30 minute slot in the calendar:

Either email, phone or use the form below:


01406 373511

07564 372222

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