AI ChatbotsAI ChatbotsWeb DesignWeb DesignTestingTesting
Can Chatbots really help?
AI chatbots and virtual assistants can allow your customers to truly interact with your website.
Chatbots can help many businesses from customer service to marketing, and even staff training.
How could they help your business?
Learn about Chatbots
Web Design
Stand out with a distinctive website which truly reflects your brand, gains trust and engages with your customers...
ALL Targa websites are designed and optimised to work on all screen sizes. They range from fixed price packages with easy payment options, or try Targa's web design price calculator to see what a website built to your specific requirements might cost.
Targa Web Design
Website Testing
Ever found that something suddenly stopped working properly?
Why is that? What changed? Did an update inadvertently cause something else to break?
From functional testing to usability tests, Targa has you covered...
Website Testing
How can Targa help?
Chatbots can bring some of the many benefits of AI to a vast number of businesses, and at Targa we're able to build the right solution for the needs of your business and your customers.
Targa's Daron Harvey has experience in website development and management dating way back to 1996, and has evolved over the years in line with changing technologies and the benefits they can bring.
AI Chatbots
Website Design
What people say
I had the pleasure of working with Daron on countless projects with numerous stakeholders, and all projects were delivered with top notch requirements and testing.
(T.K. via LinkedIn)
Full review here... Reviews & Testimonials
Read the full review here... Reviews & Testimonials
Take a look at our latest Chatbot and AI Posts
How to set up an FAQ chatbot
Here are 11 steps to setting up your own FAQs chatbot so you can provide round-the-clock assistance for your customers!
Chatbots for FAQs
Making Your Chatbot Personal
Is chatbot personalisation important or even necessary, and how can you handle a range of different responses?
Chatbot Personalisation
AI Chatbot knowledge bases
What is a chatbot knowledge base? Find out how you can ensure that your chatbot knows all about your business!
Knowledge Bases
Daron at Targa: It was an honour and a privilege to have been approved as a Voiceflow Certified Creator.
Voiceflow is the premier chatbot platform which is the first choice of Targa due to its flexibility, robustness and support.
Learn More
Latest Testing & Design Posts
Why test your website?
Here are 7 good reasons for testing your website so you can reduce the risks of costly errors and design problems.
Reasons to Test
Why some websites are cheap
A cheap website could save you money and be perfect if your needs and expectations are low, but what can you expect?
Cheap Websites
Choosing a website package
Choosing the right web design package is crucial for small and medium-sized businesses looking to build a strong online presence.
Website Packages
Latest Chatbot YouTube video
In this latest YouTube video, learn how to use the Voiceflow Integration tool to control the speed of the chatbot conversation at a pace that the user is more comfortable with.
Need some directions?
Let's help you to find the best place to start. Maybe one of the questions below will help, or trying using our chatbot in the bottom right corner.
I don't know if a Chatbot will benefit my business ⇨
You’ll be surprised how many businesses can benefit from having a Chatbot added to their website.
Without your customers having to navigate around your website to look for answers, you can make it easy for them to ask your Chatbot. Then your Chatbot can response directly with the relevant information, or provide guidance to the place on your website where they can find what they’re looking for.
AI Chatbots
Will I need to move my website to Targa if I want a Chatbot? ⇨
Regardless of who built your website, and what platform it is built on, if you ask Targa to build and manage your Chatbot, all your web designer needs to do is apply a small piece of code which we can pass on to them. Simple!
Learn More
Got any other questions about chatbots? ⇨
Can a chatbot help your business? Click the button below to for answers some of the most frequently asked questions about chatbot. They could help you to understand why more and more businesses are using AI chatbots to streamline their business and help their customers.
Of course you could ask our chatbot for help! Look for the chat bubble near the bottom right corner of this page.
Chatbot FAQs