Web Design and SEO Terminology

Google Analytics

Google Analytics can be used to keep a track of how many visitors visit your website, which pages they visited, how they found you, which path they took on your site when they arrived, how your latest online marketing campaigns are doing, etc. Google Analytics can be applied to a website by inserting a JavaScript tag with a unique tracking ID specific to your website.

For more information, visit Google Analytics Tracking Code Overview

For more information on this website, visit Google Analytics

Keyword Stuffing

Keyword stuffing is the practice of excessively loading a webpage with keywords or key phrases in an attempt to manipulate a site's ranking in Google search results.

For more information, visit Google Search Central: Irrelevant keywords


SEO (or Search Engine Optimisation) is the process of setting out a website and each of its pages to be as effective as they can possibly be with the search engines. Search engines are asked by their users to return a list of websites which are the closest matches for the search term entered, and successful SEO on websites and individual pages will allow them to stand a better chance of being listed amongst the top search results.

For more information on this website, visit Search Engine Optimisation


SERPs is a term which you may or may not have come across, but you use them a lot... probably every day. SERPs simply means Search Engine Results Pages. Google it, then look at the list of search results displayed on the pages in front of you. Those are the SERPs!

Website Health Check

A website health check is an analysis of a website to identify things such as broken links, how pages display on different screen sizes and devices, an assessment of page load times and reasons why your website may be slow and consuming lots of data, etc.

For more information on this website, visit Website Health Check

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