How long does a website take to build?

The time required to build a website can be influenced by many factors including size, purpose and complexity.


There are so many factors that it is almost impossible to say how long a typical website should take to build, because what is a typical website?

There may be certain common characteristics which are shared by some types of websites which could make it possible to estimate the average length of time those will take. But for most websites, especially those including some of the features described below, development can typically take anything from a few days to several months to produce.

So... How long does it take to build a website?

There are many factors that it is almost impossible to say how long a website should take to build. For example:

Size, purpose and features:
How many pages will the website contain? Will it be used to promote your services or to sell products and handle secure online payments?

Will it require a CMS (content management system), or a searchable database of content. You might require a list of subscribers to be generated which will grow as more people fill out their details on your website?

Will you be providing your own website content and images, or will you be relying on the web designer to do source suitable images on your behalf?

Will you require your website to tap into your social media feeds such as Twitter, so it displays your latest or selected Tweets?

Average time period:
There are many other variables too, but websites for the average small to medium size business can typically take between 1 and 8 weeks to produce.

You can certainly find some web designers who will produce websites quickly and cheaply, but that's another story! Cheap websites often have many corners cut in order to speed up the process and keep costs down, but the results, performance and reliability can be poor, and many such website owners end up having their websites rebuilt. In the mean time it could be costing them money in lost businesses and brand reputation.

What about AI?:
You might have heard that websites can now be built using AI. That's true, but you need to anticipate the lack of control, styling, editorial input, the ability to update content, add or change images, and make it mobile friendly.

What if it goes wrong? Can it be fixed? Who will fix it? How much will that cost?

So bearing those points in mind, just be careful and do some research before diving in!

Why not call Targa for an informal chat on 01406 373511 or email

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